The Importance of Posture

We all know that eating healthily, exercising, and getting efficient amounts of rest time are proven good, healthy things to do. Posture is way up there with these in terms of good health. It is just as important to be aware of the position of your limbs, as it is to eat that 5 a day, or is it 6, 7 or 8 a day… who knows!!

So, What are the consequences of poor posture? What is good posture? and How can we improve our posture?

Poor Posture –

Today’s environment has a very negative effect on our posture. Our society tends to sit down behind a desk, in front of the TV or a computer for hours on end, more than any other previous generation. This leads to adaptive shortening of certain muscle groups, causing a detrimental effect on our posture.

Poor posture can develop through many different factors, some of which include –

  • Injury
  • Repetitive movement
  • Excessive weight
  • Muscular imbalances
  • Occupational stress
  • Thoughtless sitting habits
  • Non supportive/Expired mattress


  • Lower Back Pain – approximately 80% of adults have suffered with lower back pain.
  • Hyperkyphotic curve – hunch back
  • Fatigue
  • Shoulder & Neck tension
  • Migraines & Headaches

So, What is Good Posture?

Good posture can be defined as the position in which the body maintains optimal length tension relationships between the agonist and antagonist, as well as the optimal alignment of joints. Remember that no one has a perfect posture, but a good posture means that your body’s soft tissues will be correctly aligned, putting much less stress on your vital organs, as well as keeping those persistent painful areas free from discomfort. i.e. lower back, shoulders & neck.

How can we improve our posture?

In the Gym – Use the mirrors for the right reason!! There is always one wannabe Arnold Schwarzenegger checking out his muscles as he performs a bicep curl with the help of his neck extensors and upper back… not good! What he should really be doing is making sure his core is activated, keeping good body alignment throughout the curl – back straight, shoulders and chin retracted. Mirrors are key to keep an eye on your posture, avoiding unnecessary muscular tension and injury.

Workplace/Home – To maintain good postusitting-postures-badre throughout the day why not set several alarms to remind you of your posture, or ask a family member / work colleague to politely tell you off when they see you slouching.

Regular Breaks – It is so important to take a break, regularly stretching out and taking a walk will help prevent the adaptive shortening of muscles and fascia.

Try yoga – Studies have shown that Yoga can improve posture, as well as increasing body awareness.

Give your body a monthly MOT – At Remedial Body Balance I will assess your posture, find and treat the muscular imbalances and tensions, providing clinical reasoning to why I am treating those particular areas of your body, and what benefits you will gain. Homecare advice will also be given to help you maintain good posture. I also apply Kinesiology tape which has a very positive effect on posture . I will set my clients posture and apply the kinesiology tape in a specific direction and stretch. Once the client starts to slouch and go back into the poor posture, the kinesiology tape provides a snapback feature which will make the client want to set their shoulder back into the set position. Remember if you buy cheap you buy twice!

Thanks for taking the time to read this, please take a look at my facebook and website for more info –

Website – http://www.remedialbodybalance.co.uk

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/remedialbodybalance

Author: RemedialBodyBalance

Soft Tissue Therapist | Sports & Remedial Massage Therapist

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